Interplanetary interactions – the second contact.

As usual, Eddie climbed the hill. The sun was beating down his back pleasantly. Four trophy beer bottles were clinking in a bag. The builder, according to the rule, laid down under a bush. He opened first bottle deftly, taking the cap off with his teeth. Eddie was looking at the world from above, sipping his beer, when something appeared in the sky above him - a bright disc. After a while, a familiar creature in a spacesuit emerged from behind the nearby trees. This time an alien had no helmet on its head and looked at Eddie with its big, black eyes without expression. The builder immediately cheered up.

“Yo man! It's you again? How are you doing?

The creature approached Eddie, pulled out a beeping device, scanned the human, then turned its back on him and began to explore the surroundings. The human, not discouraged by the newcomer's lack of interest, continued to perorate:

“You don't say anything, so listen: in the meantime, I was fired from work... You won't believe it, for drunkenness! I don't meet health and safety standards. The foreman doesn't understand that without three beers, I can't keep the vertical on the scaffolding... Do you even know what health and safety is? Surely you, in that your space, do not have such stupidity.”

The creature walked around the hill, scanning every bush with the device and approached Eddie again. It stood by and watched. The former builder took a sip of beer and suddenly hit on an idea:

“You, would you like to come with me to a party in a firehouse tonight? My colleagues do not believe that I have contacts of some degree...

The alien stared at him without any change in its expression.

“Well, you don't say anything?...”. Eddie got annoyed, then answered himself: “Well, you have never said anything. You just beep and blink those lights… You, come to this party with me. Come on! We will hand you beer round. You probably don't have a beer on your planet. You'll find out what you're missing... Maybe then you'll visit us more often. Probably someday you'll take your buddies with you. I'll introduce you to nice ladies, because if your girls look like you, they're probably not very pretty. No offense, but I think, you have a mirror in your house. But don't worry, I'll introduce you to these not-so-fussy chicks... Well, will you finally say something? I don’t wait to hear “thank you” from you, but whatever… My mouth was dry from that speech”, and Eddie reached for another bottle of beer.

“Welcome, a Terrestrial Being. I come from Sirius B. I am peaceful”, the alien suddenly spoke in a voice devoid of any emotion.

“Oh, well done, you talk! Just what are you sock to me from the "terrestrial beings" right now?! I'm Eddie, from Smelly Village. How are you called?”.


“Of all this, only the "K" I’ve remembered, so I would call you "K"... Oh, just like that one of the "Men in Black"... Ha, ha, that's even funny because they used to catch creatures like you there. Okay, well, besides being peaceful, what are you doing on that…Sirius?

“Sirius B”.

“For me - whatever: A or B. Everything is equally far away.”

„A pilot.”

"That's what I figured out myself, mysterious don Pedro. Then you may tell me what is your wheels? You'd fly to the firehouse in that space machine someday. You'd make an impression. Even chicks who consider themselves unapproachable would fall for you. I advise you to take it to heart because with this face you will have a problem to race off some hottie.”.

“Goodbye, a human being Eddie from Smelly Village. I'm leaving now… Next time I'll learn more of your language, which is very complicated. Then more verbal contact will be possible.”.

“I don't know what you mean by more contact, but okay... as long as you don't hit on me... Until next time!” Eddie shouted to the back of the receding alien and fell on the grass. “These interplanetary contacts are very exhausting”, he stammered with the last reserves of his energy and after a while he was sound asleep.


Related article:

"Interplanetary contacts part 1"